Photo Journey Youth Development Program

Program/Exhibition Dates: 6/20 - 7/10, 2012 | Location: Then Cafe and Gallery / Hue, Vietnam

In collaboration with Friends of Hue Foundation (FHF) and the International Youth Advancement Alliance (IYAA), I helped design and facilitate a 2.5 week photography-based “character development” program for 30 kids at a Vietnamese children’s shelter and 10 youth volunteers from San Jose, CA. The photography project focused on documenting, sharing, and celebrating the children’s voices and lives by allowing their community to see the world ‘through their eyes.” Four different photo project cycles (nature and environments, detail and macro, people, and self-portraits) were run, each supplemented by a series of relevant youth-led character workshops. At the end of the program, I organized a local photo exhibition titled, “A World Through Different Lenses”, to showcase the children’s photos and give the children the opportunity to engage with the local artist, photography, and non-profit community.

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