Marigold Garlands For Healing.
“In the end, only three things matter how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
I lost one of my best friends this week. I’ve cried more in the last week than I’ve cried in the past ten years. I’ve hugged loved ones longer and tighter than I ever have before. And yet, throughout this full-on grieving process with our close circle of friends, I’ve also experienced such a healing new depth of love.
We’ve brought tender compassion to each other’s pain. We’ve allowed ourselves to fall apart in each other’s arms. Our collective mourning has, at the same time, been an experience of collective healing. Our grief is slowly transforming into moments of gratitude.
Our best friend may no longer be with us in this physical world, but her example of love and life will continue to ripple throughout the cosmos. Her life’s mission is now a part of mine. I hope I can both love as deeply and widely and live as gently and kindly as she did. I hope I can make her proud with the way I continue to intentionally love and live in this world. I’ll miss you, Jessica.
[Making marigold garlands for Jessica on the blue ridge parkway // a healing Sunday ritual to be present.]